Your support is needed to further the work and research presented on this site. Those who donate will be recognized on our website in the following tiers.
The time to act is now!
Climate Positive Design, Inc is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
Your generous donation will:
- Go directly to the advancement of free tools, guidance and resources provided on our website
- Empower designers, planners, municipalities and land owners to take more greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere
- Educate people globally on the impact we can have when we work together
- Help us track measurable impacts to solving climate change
Super Green
$20,000 – $49,999 ($USD)
- ASLA Biodiversity and Climate Fellowship
- Landscape Architecture Foundation – Fellowship Program
- Vestre
Light Green
$1 – $4,999 ($USD)
- Eric Swanson – Landscape Forms
- Martha Schwartz Partners
- Andrea Cochran – ACLA
- Boston Society of Landscape Architects Western Mass. Section
- Planit-IE
- British Association of Landscape Industries
- Ecological Landscape Alliance
- ASLA Ohio Chapter
- ASLA Washington Chapter
- NC State University
- Washington University in St. Louis
- Lael Sigal
- Kathy Schniedwind
- Ben Stockwin
- Marsha Maytum
- Clouston Associates
- Ann English
- Ana Nelson
- Brendon Burke
- Martin O’Dea
- Jacqueline NeJaime
- Dave & Mary Conrad
- Gerald LaFlamme
- Grant Gengelbach
- Katherine Gill
- Page Crutcher
- Corry Buckwalter
- Christina Sanders
- Laura S
- Matt Lancaster
- Jonah Hawk